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Ada Forge, Reliable Software for a Complex World
Welcome to
the up-to-date March 2025
Ada software components library

Ada developers now have their ’very special’ Ada Forge 😎😎😎

Free Open Source Software

Selected FOSS code
from existing ALIRE, GitHub, GitLab, SourceForge, …

See HERE how you could submit a proposal to share.

Why another Ada site ?

Some benefits and the most common motivations are to:
Speed up software development or commercialisation by re-using existing code;
Saving costs with respect to maintenance and updates;
Sharing costs or risks by using existing code;
Interoperability by design by using widely used open source artifacts;
Being associated with collaborative and open values
The libraries are
😍 user-focused 😍
by areas of interest


You will find some great individual (and corporate) Ada code initiatives since the beginning of Ada (1983 !)
Take a look at the
Ada reference authorities, main country Communities 🇪🇺🇫🇷🇪🇸🇩🇪🇧🇪🇳🇱🇩🇰🇸🇪🇫🇮🇦🇹🇨🇿🇺🇦🇨🇭🇧🇷🇬🇧🇨🇦🇺🇸🇯🇵🇦🇺🇮🇳, some Ada Advocacy 😜, …

Feel free to send me an e-mail (see end of page) so that I can put a link to your site !


We are not hosting all the listed libraries and tools, but this is definitively the place of gathering ALL the nice Ada software and tools from the Brave Ada Developers around the world.

  • Java developers have their Maven, and other framework places,
  • Web developers are gathering JQuery plugins, or npmjs components, with Bower package manager
  • Python has his PyPi ecosystem,
  • Rust community have their crates.io registry
  • iOS developers have CocoaPods and a very complete and advanced Foundation/Cocoa framework,
  • and you have the jungle of GitHub, GitLab, SourceForge

Note : This site do not host the actual sources, but is a convenient pointer to all interesting Ada materials.

How to reference a new component ?

Stacks Image 62
Please upload your existing code through ALIRE, it will be registered in this Forge

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