This library is an attempt to implement UUIDs to the RFC 9562 standard located here:
As of this writing it can identify any UUID's version or variant and create any kind of UUID in the spec:
- UUIDv1: Gregorian Timestamp with constant data
- UUIDv3: MD5-hashed
- UUIDv4: Randomly-generated
- UUIDv5: SHA1-hashed
- UUIDv6: Gregorian Timestamp with constant data with better database locality
- UUIDv7: UNIX Timestamp with random data, optimized for database locality
- UUIDv8: Custom UUIDs
It seeds the random number generator thanks to System_Random
with the options to source all randomness via system_random if needed (this will be blocking though).
All of my unit tests are passing on all platforms I have attempted, but am open to more tests plus additional validation on other platforms, especially big endian.