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Categories: Library

Simple Components v4.71

Changes to the previous version:

The package Generic_FFT provides an implementation fast Fourier transform. The implementation supports pre-computed bit-reverse permutation and exponents to be used in multiple transformations of same vector length.

see full description on Dmitry's dev page

Categories: Library

Simple Components v4.69

Implementing arbitrary precision integer/unsigned arithmetic in:

  • package Unbounded_Unsigneds
  • package Unbounded_Integers
  • package Unbounded_Unsigneds Primes implementing operations with prime numbers
  • package Unbounded_Unsigneds.Montgomery implementing Montgomery domain operations
  • package Strings_Edit.Unbounded_Unsigned_Edit
  • package Strings_Edit.Unbounded_Integer_Edit
  • package Unbounded_Unsigneds.Parallel
  • package Job_Servers implementing servers of jobs backed by a task pool;
  • number protocol added to Python bindings;
  • Reply_Text and Reply_HTML in GNAT.Sockets.Connection_State_Machine.HTTP_Server modified to call Send_Body passing the Get parameter rather than skipping it when Get = False
  • UUID v6 and v7 generation was added to Universally_Unique_Identifiers.
Categories: Library random crypto

UUIDs v1.0

UUIDs is compliant with RFC 9562, notably UUIDv7.

It’s able to generate UUIDv1 through UUIDv8 (excluding UUIDv2, which is not covered in the spec).

It can identify the version and variant of the UUIDs, as well as some other things like printing (using 'Image thanks to Ada 2022) and converting the raw values to an element array.

See full ReadMe & Sources on GitHub

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